When creating the marketing strategy for a new product, the choice of its packaging is paramount for its success in mass retail distribution. The packaging is always the first impression the customer gets of a product. Besides its obvious use as a protective envelope, it has become an invaluable tool for sales and marketing. Good packaging can visually attract customers and considerably increase sales. When innovation is difficult for a consumer product, its manufacturer will try to set it apart through unique and innovative packaging.
The packaging industry is an ideal market for a real time visualisation tool such as the one we have designed. With its uniqueness with regards to visual simulation quality, it offers numerous advantages for designers, marketing and sales departments. The impact of a prototype can be evaluated in the context of an actual retail environment, precisely at place it will be offered to consumers.
Our software also allows for easy and highly efficient creation of virtual consumer research settings, which can help with the evaluation of new marketing strategies, long before even the first physical product has been produced.